You're probably familiar with the routine. You try to fall asleep. You toss, turn. Maybe you have a glass of warm milk or a late-night snack. With so many different strategies for getting a good night's sleep, wouldn't it be nice to know what really works? Most people can significantly improve their sleep by improving their “sleep hygiene”.
10 Sleep Hygiene Tips:
Stop Eating 2-3 Hours Before Bed
Minimum 12-hour overnight fast (i.e. 7 pm - 7 am)
Make Your Room Pitch Black
Get blackout curtains if needed
Wake Up to Light
Use a wake-up light, especially in the winter
Cool Down
Keep your bedroom between 65-68 degrees
Breathable Sheets & Covers
Bamboo sheets and hypoallergenic covers are excellent
White Noise
Use a noise machine to eliminate outside noises
Electronic-Free Zone
Shut down all electronics 30 min before bed
Wind Down
Dim household lights 1-2 hrs. before, do relaxing activities
No Napping
If needed, keep to only 20 minutes before 2:00 pm
See Deep Sleep Protocol for recommendations
You’re an individual and at KayKon we believe you should have a customized Personalized Wellness Plan created just for you based on your goals and current health conditions. If you’re interested in taking back control of your health and living a life full of energy, vitality, and wellness we urge you to book an initial 15min consultation.
In Good Health
The Kaykon Team